With the publication of A Level and GCSE results in the past few weeks we now look ahead to the new academic year.

We pride ourselves on the scope of services we can offer our students. We don’t just offer exam facilities we can provide tuition, mock exams and a whole host of support services. Find out all our latest news below.

Provision of UCAS predicted grades

For students not taking their exams within a mainstream setting we can provide you with the predicted grades you need for your UCAS application. We offer this in two ways. You can either have regular lessons with one of our tutors, allowing them to make an informed judgement of your likely attainment, or you can use mock exams. We have seen a huge increase in popularity of using the mock exam approach to produce predicted grades in recent years.

We can provide predicted grades based on your mock exam performance and our professional judgment. For integrity all mocks need to be completed under full examination conditions at our Bristol exam centre. The predicted grades can be included in your UCAS application by your referee, or we can send them directly your prospective universities.

Read more here.

The exam process with 3A Tutors

Our Exams Officer Paul was excited to talk to the Home Education Matters podcast about everything to do with exams. Listen now to discover more about us and how our Bristol exam centre works. https://homeeducationmatters.podbean.com/


Our tuition service offers high quality, flexible one to one tuition in person or online. Tuition can be provided on a regular basis or ad-hoc depending on the student’s needs.

We are please to let you know that we have been able to maintain our existing tuition rates for the new academic year. They are;

• KS1 & KS2 is £33 per hourfemale tutoring a teenager
• KS3 & GCSE/IGCSE is £36 per hour
• AS/A-Level is £39 per hour

You can discover more about our tuition offering here.

Exciting academic year ahead!

It will be another busy academic year for us, as we continue to celebrate 25 years, and we are eager to help all our students achieve their educational goals. Remember if you were unhappy with your GCSE or A Level results, we provide retake opportunities. Exam Retakes 2024 and 2025 – Everything you need to know.

Contact Us to discover more about what we have to offer.