With the Summer 2023 GCSE & A-Level exam series about to start students will no doubt be feeling slightly apprehensive about the weeks ahead. Here we have answered many frequently asked questions we get from students at this time of year. Hopefully they will ease any worries or concerns that you have.

When are my exams?

Please see your Statement of Entry, which was sent to you via email, for your specific exam dates. All morning exams start at 9.00 am and afternoon exams start at 1.30 pm. We advise being in attendance 15-20 minutes before the start of the exam.

Where are my exams?

We are using four venues for the Summer 2023 written examinations;

• The Staple Hill Centre
• The Resound Centre
• Cleve Rugby Club
• Hanham Community Centre.

Please match the dates and times on your Statement of Entry to the ‘Summer 2023 Venue Timetable’ (sent via email) to find the exact exam venue for each of your individual written exams.

You can find out more about our venues on this blog post. Everything you need to know about our exam rooms . It is advisable to research the venue locations and parking situation before attending your exams.

What should I bring?

Please bring stationery in a clear, see-through pencil case. A calculator (if required) without the case / lid. A form of photographic ID (e.g. passport, driving licence). Water bottles are also permitted provided all labels and packaging are removed. For exams that allow the use of set texts you will need to bring your own, un-annotated copies. For Mathematics and Science exams we will provide formulae booklets.

Is there parking at the centre?

The Staple Hill Centre has plenty of unrestricted on-street parking nearby.

Resound Centre has limited car parking, however, there is plenty of on-street parking opposite the venue on Blackhorse Road.

Cleve Rugby Club and Hanham Community Centre have large cark parks which are free to use.

Will there be a clock in the room?

Yes, a clock will be at the front of exam room.

Are there toilets at the centre? Can I go during the exam?

Yes, each venue has toilets, and you can go during the exam if required. You will however need to be accompanied by a member of staff.

Where can I wait whilst my child takes their exam?

There is a waiting room / area at each venue, apart from the Resound Centre.

Where should I leave my phone during the exam?

Preferably all unauthorised items, including mobile phones and wristwatches, should be left outside of the exam room (e.g. in your bag). Any mobile phones, and any other electronic devices, that are brought into the exam room should be switched off and placed on the invigilator’s desk or in the storage box provided.

Can I leave my exam early?

You must stay under invigilation until 10.00 am for morning exams or 2.30 pm for afternoon exams. After this time, if you have finished your exam and checked your answers you are permitted to leave. You will need to raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to collect your paper and dismiss you, before you can leave the room.

What should I do if I am running late for my exam?

Please call us immediately on 0117 910 9931 if you are going to be late for your exam. We can then advise you as to whether you will still be able to enter the exam room.

What happens if I miss an exam due to illness?

If you miss an exam due to illness, or another acceptable reason, we can apply for Special Consideration. This is a post-exam adjustment where the exam board may calculate and award an assessed mark for the missing exam. Please contact us if you miss an exam and we will advise you further on the procedure.

I don’t feel ready to sit my exams, what should I do?

We can defer your exams to the next available series for a small additional fee. Please contact us for further information.

We are experienced with dealing with exam anxiety. Exam Anxiety – How We Help Our Anxious Students. If you are feeling overwhelmed, please contact us to see if we can help make the process easier for you.

Here to help

Although this may be your first set of exams, we have been running exams successfully for many years. We are here to make the whole process run as smoothly as possible.

Preparation is key. It is important to know when and where your exams are and what you are permitted to bring. Then all you need to do is concentrate on doing your best in your exams.

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.